Virtual Desktop

Your desktop is your window on the world of your work. If it is managed well, you will be able to work with ease.

Microsoft AVD

Microsoft offers Azure Virtual Desktop, a very powerful feature to help your remote workers, as well as your office workers to connect to your environment without having to manage their desktops or laptops.

You can connect from your computer, your iPad, from home, overseas or the coffee shop.

With the security offered by Microsoft 365, with identity (Intra), endpoint security (Defender) and so much more, we can help you be up and running with cybersecurity settings in place, so you can be as safe as you can be while working.

With AVD, we are able to install software for you, upgrade the resources you need, and manage the costing of resources based on your need and budget. When you are not working, AVD will not be working either, so you can save on resource usage, and your bottom line.

protectanet is a service provided by Living Stones Group, based in Pasadena, California and Cairo, Egypt.
USA: 117 E Colorado Blvd, Suite 600, Pasadena, CA 91105
Egypt: 16 El Khartoum St, Almazah, Heliopolis, Cairo 11575
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