Digital Transformation

March 20, 2021
Featured team member: Fady Eldeiry

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION is the backbone of Information Systems today.

Digital transformation is the concept of using technology to transform the way you do business, and deliver your product or service to your client. In today's life patterns, we come to expect that things change rapidly. This change affects our lives and the way we do things everyday.


LOGISTICS & FREIGHT: If your data is collected properly on every shipment you provide your customer, and you organize your systems to track details about your warehouse content, you will be able to provide much more accurate services to your clients, based on speed and accuracy. Like any shipping and transportation provider, speed, accuracy, reliability and capacity are key to delivering merchandise. Just think of your customs broker and the amount of knowledge they have based on their experience; if that knowledge is digitized properly, your freight will clear customs much more efficiently and save you time and storage costs, which will make you the preferred vendor to your client!

EDUCATION: In today's world, we have been working from home and learning from home! What is the impact of that on our society, our culture, our families and our careers? What does Digital Transformation have to do with that? We are changing the way we do life today; we have to work during the day, but now our kids are home studying, and we're both "working from home." How does that seem productive, and how will we be able to focus on what our mission is and make sure we have an impact? Digital education is a vital function of our lifestyle now. From students at school, to adults at work getting training. Our approach for digital education will have an impact on our society long term, because it's not just the process of learning, but it includes the social aspect of education. Today's kids are going to be home more....

LEGAL: Imagine your client cases are all in digital format and stored SMART, so you can find precedence and arguments that are relevant to newer cases. The more data and history you have, the more your arguments will be smarter in the future. You will have information on how judges and jury respond to your arguments, you will have information on how evidence works with your cases. Collecting information will make your future arguments more valuable and refined and acceptable to others!

MEDICAL: In the medical field, data is very private. Data also gives us a picture on our overall health, and trends give us ideas on what's happening with health around us.

RETAIL: Understanding what your customer is looking for is vital to keeping your business growing. Reaching out to make your customer find you and stay with you is hard work. Digital transformation is key to this challenge; the more you understand your customer needs and the environment around you, the more loyal your customer will stay.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Monitoring and being proactive is a vital part of IT operations. When systems are proactively monitored, there are many ways to learn and avoid disruption of services to your business. Monitoring done properly is a powerful tool for technology and business.

NON PROFIT: Non Profit organizations exist to serve and support the communities they live in. Non profits can use digital platforms to be well informed about these communities. Social platforms and local systems that are public like government can provide organizations with vital data that can help serve communities and ensure that they connect with the people they are serving in much more efficient and productive ways.

protectanet is a service provided by Living Stones Group, based in Pasadena, California and Cairo, Egypt.
USA: 117 E Colorado Blvd, Suite 600, Pasadena, CA 91105
Egypt: 16 El Khartoum St, Almazah, Heliopolis, Cairo 11575
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